Parish Council

VE Day – Party Pack!

Wiltshire Council has created a special ‘VE Day at home pack’ to help residents of all ages celebrate and mark the 75th anniversary of this historic moment in time.

With social distancing measures still in place, the pack contains simple advice and suggestions to commemorate VE Day on Friday 8 May, which this year is a bank holiday.   The pack can be downloaded from the Wiltshire Council website at

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Parish Council will play a role in providing clear and updated information to raise awareness of prevention measures like handwashing and will co-ordinate with community groups to provide help and support to our more vulnerable residents.

The coronavirus situation is fast-moving and there is an increasing amount of misinformation online – up to date information and the latest advice is available from Public Health England.

The Parish Council will continue to operate in accordance with current legislation and government guidance and we need to ensure that we mitigate any risks to the Council – we do however anticipate some disruption to future meetings – details will be posted on the website and notice boards.

Wiltshire Council have created a COVID-19 Community Pack to support communities during the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

The pack contains a list of key contacts, resources and information in one place.

Gigaclear Q1 2020 Programme of Works

Gigaclear have begun delivery of their ultrafast full fibre network.  Here is a list of the latest programme of works fro Q1 2020 for Sutton Benger, as we begin to mobilise and make ready for a start in the new year.

Register with Gigaclear to receive regular updates.

Contact details for further information

E Christopher Morris | M 07967 443214 | W | Gigaclear Ltd, Building One, Wyndyke Furlong, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 1UQ.

Stay Well This Winter – Advice from NHS

Look after yourself this winter

As the dark nights draw in across Wiltshire and winter really starts to bite, it’s worth thinking about how we can all make sure we’re looking after ourselves and staying well over the cold winter months.

The NHS recently launched its annual winter campaign – Help Us Help You– which is here to help make it easier to understand the things you can do.

We all know hospitals and surgeries can be especially busy during the winter months and it can often be tricky to know the best place to go for help, so here’s some handy tips to see you though until spring:

  1. It’s not too late to get your flu jab

The free flu vaccination is offered to those who are at increased risk from the effects of flu, including people aged 65 and over, pregnant women, those with underlying health conditions and children aged 2-10. If you’ve not had one yet, it’s not too late.

  1. Call 111 or visit online

If you’re unsure where to go and think you need urgent medical attention, but it’s not life-threatening, contacting NHS 111 can help you make sure you reach the most suitable NHS service for your needs.

  1. Ask a pharmacist for advice before minor ailments or winter illnesses get worse

Community pharmacists are qualified healthcare professional who can offer clinical advice and over the counter medicines to safely manage things like coughs, colds and sore throats.

It’s quick and convenient to see a pharmacist– you don’t need to book an appointment and can often be seen in a private consultation room.

  1. See your GP in the evening or weekend if you can’t see them during the day

If you need to see a GP but find it hard to find the time during routine hours, appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professionals are often available in the evenings and at weekends through many local practices or other local NHS services.

For more information about services in your area visit:

Wilts Council Target Fly-Tippers

Wiltshire Council have launched a new campaign to encourage you to report fly-tippers.

If you spot someone fly-tipping in Wiltshire, report the offender to them, and as a reward you’ll get a gift voucher of up to £200 following the payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice or a successful prosecution.

We want to put a stop to fly-tipping, and we need your help to catch the culprits to keep your county cleaner, greener and safer.

Report a fly-tipper.