Parish Council

Annual Parish Meeting – 13th April 2016

All residents of Sutton Benger Parish are invited to attend your Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 13 April 2016.

Along with an update from the Parish Council and other village organisations, there will be presentations by:

  • Meril Morgan, Arts Development Officer, Wiltshire Council – Ideas for an arts project within the village using the Arts Funding (£24,000) received from Redrow’s Park development
  • Daniel Everett, Flood Drainage Engineer, Wiltshire Council – Details of the flood mitigation works in Seagry Road and on the High Street.

An informal social session rounds off the meeting when you will be able to enjoy some Cheese and Wine.

The Date: Wednesday 13th April 2016
The Time: 7.45pm
The Venue: Sutton Benger Village Hall

Contact Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk for further details on 07757 351584 or via the contact form.

PDF iconDownload the invitation



Clerk’s Report: March 2016

Notes from the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on Wednesday 9th March.

Six Councillors, the Parish Clerk, 10 members of the public and Wilts Cllr H Greenman attended the meeting.


Annual Maintenance contracts for the Gossip Areas, to include grass cutting, and the Bus Shelter were approved for 2016-17.

A Community Grant of £500 was approved for the PCC for maintenance of the churchyard.

The PC agreed to give the VHMC the old 3-door wooden noticeboard, currently situated at the Playpark.

Planning Applications

Consideration was given to 4 planning applications:

  1. 16/01017/TCA at All Saints Church
  2. 16/01238/FUL at 19 Queens Close
  3. 16/01508/FUL at 1Chestnut Road
  4. 16/01892/TCA at 4 Church Piece. The PC resolved to make no objections to any of the applications.

New Councillor

Mr Leigh Varnham was co-opted onto the Council – he was warmly welcomed by all present.

Highways and Transport

Cllr P Jones has again raised the following issues with Richard Dobson, Wiltshire Council: the gully clearing at the B4069/B4122 junction, the missing 50mph repeater sign and the re-surfacing of the B4069.  The large pothole on the High Street opp. Manor Farm Drive has been reported and passed to the Contractors.

Crossing on the High Street – Cllr P Jones agreed to measure the High Street to see if a suitable site was available for a pedestrian crossing on the High Street before carrying out our own informal pedestrian count.

Community Asset Transfer of the flowerbed on the High Street – Wiltshire Council have advised that a Section 96 Licence allowing maintenance of it would be appropriate but the PC wished to proceed with a CAT to have total ownership if possible.

Parking Spaces at College Green – Cllr H Greenman agreed to investigate the possibility of securing funding for extra car parking spaces at College Green.  The PC fully supported this matter and would help in any way it could.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Council will be inviting the following to give presentations at the APM:

  • Meril Morgan, Wilts Council Arts Development Officer on the S106 Arts Contribution of £24,000 awarded to the village. If you would be interested in joining a small team (4-5 people) to discuss possible Arts Projects for the village please contact the Clerk.
  • Daniel Everett. Flood Drainage Engineer, Wilts Council on the flood mitigation works in Seagry Road and the High Street

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 13th April 2016 starting at 19:30. This will be your chance to get an update from village organisations, including the Parish Council, about what has happened in the last 12 months and their plans for the future.  There will short presentations with ample opportunity to ask questions during the meeting followed by light refreshments and informal discussion afterwards.

Next Parish Council Meetings

The date of the Annual Parish Meeting is Wednesday 13th April 2016 and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is Wednesday 11th May 2016 both in the Village Hall, starting at 7.45 pm.

Clerk’s Report: February 2016

Notes from the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on Wednesday 10th February.

Four Councillors, the Parish Clerk and 2 members of the public attended the meeting.


A Community Grant of £100 was approved for the Sutton Benger Rugby Football Club towards the provision of new goalposts.

Planning Applications

Consideration was given to planning application – 16/100506/TCA at 3 Manor Farm Drive.

The PC resolved to make no objections to the application.

New Councillor

Mr Malcolm Bines was co-opted onto the Council – he was warmly welcomed by all present.

Defibrillator (Wellesley Arms)

The new cabinet has now been installed and the PC has now taken up responsibility for and maintenance of this Defib.

Crossing on the High Street

Following a disappointing response from Wiltshire Council who have put the matter on hold – it was decided to look into carrying out our own informal pedestrian count before committing expenditure to a formal one (which will cost approx. £1,000-£1,200).


It was agreed that Cllr Pope would liaise with the NDP’s Flooding & Drainage Group prior to the PC updating its Flood Plan.

Annual Parish Meeting

The Council will be inviting Meril Morgan, Wilts Council Arts Development Officer to make a presentation at the APM on the S106 Arts Contribution of £24,000 awarded to the village.  If you would be interested in joining a small team (4-5 people) to discuss possible Arts Projects for the village please contact the Clerk.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 13th April 2016 starting at 19:30.  This will be your chance to get an update from village organisations, including the Parish Council, about what has happened in the last 12 months and their plans for the future.  There will short presentations with ample opportunity to ask questions during the meeting followed by light refreshments and informal discussion afterwards.

Next Parish Council Meetings

The next Parish Council meeting will be on the Wednesday 9th March in the Village Hall starting at 19:45

Planning Application Decisions (20-1-16)

Decisions have been made for the following planning applications:

Land adj. to 9 Church View, Sutton Benger, SN15 4RS
New Dwelling (Revisions to 14/09205/FUL)
Approve with Conditions

Greystones, 43 Chestnut Road, Sutton Benger, SN15 4RP
Proposed Two Storey Side Extension and Detached Garage (Resubmission of Application Reference 15/07392/FUL)
Approve with Conditions

50 High Street, Sutton Benger, SN15 4RJ
30% Crown Reduction and Shape to Yew Tree
No Objection

Notice of Vacancy – Sutton Benger Parish Council

Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Glenda Woodville, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

If by 4 February, 2016 (14 days after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors from the Parish of Sutton Benger, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

Read more….

Clerk’s Report: December 2015

Parish Council Latest News from Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk – December 2015

There is no Parish Council Meeting in December but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy….

Salt Bin – We have purchased a new high-capacity salt bin to ensure that the village has adequate supplies before the weather deteriorates.  It has been installed at the Village Hall on the left-hand side of the entrance (where the old recycling bins used to be).

B4069 Weight Restriction –Wiltshire Council is considering the implementation of a permanent 18 tonne weight restriction (except for access) for the route from Draycot Cerne to Lyneham.  However, prior to any final decision being taken, it has been decided that an informal pre-consultation process should take place, to ensure that there are no issues with the proposal and the Parish Council (PC) were asked to comment by 6th January 2016.  We have fully supported the proposal.

Draycot Cerne Chapel – Work was completed in early December 2015 on the new roof for the Draycot Cerne Chapel of Rest.  The result of the hard work by a small team of volunteers that set up a charity to repair and maintain this important and much loved, albeit abused feature of the DC community.

Many people don’t realise, but when the tiles were stolen from the roof, it became apparent that the chapel and graveyard is owned by the people of the village. It was given to the village in the late 1800’s. In the past it has always been maintained by village residents on a voluntary basis and since the early 1980s this has been done almost entirely by Rueben Couzens, to whom we are indebted.  The PC were pleased to support the repair of the roof by granting the Friends of Draycot Cerne Chapel £500 under the Community Grant Fund.

New Benches on the Rec – The PC has purchased two new benches costing £1,128, which are now installed on the Playing Field.  The benches were donated to the Sutton Benger Village Hall as part of the playground renovation project.

Arms Farm – the Appeal was Dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate on the 11 December 2015.

Read the Planning Inspectorate’s full decisionPDF icon

Vacancies – there are currently 4 vacancies on the PC and it would be great to have some new Councillors to join us.  If we cannot fill the vacancies there is a danger that Wiltshire Council may have to make direct appointments of people (from outside our community) as parish councillors.  Please contact the Parish Clerk for more information or tel: 07757 351584.

Overgrown Hedges –Land owners (including Wiltshire Council) and occupiers are required by law to trim any hedge or grass next to a road, footway, cycle way or public right of way where the growth is preventing the passage, or affecting the safety, of the highway user, including cyclists and pedestrians.  Report an Overgrown Hedge, Verge or Footpath to:

Wiltshire Council Highways / Street Care Service – 0300 456 0105


Or via the MyWiltshire app – available to download at both the App Store (for iPhones and iPads) and from Google Play™ (for Android phones).

The next Parish Council Meeting is on Wednesday 13 January 2016 at the Sutton Benger Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.

We would like to Wish You All A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Clerk’s Report: November 2015

Clerks Report from the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th November 2015.

Public Forum Session: The following issues were raised:

  • Concern about the removal of trees at The Old Farmhouse. Cllr Pope advised that the erection of a fence on top of a wall had been refused.
  • A request for the Parish Council (PC) to ask Cllr H Greenman to call-in the application for the dry stone wall at 66 High Street (15/09153/FUL). Cllr E Pope stated that following advice from Cllr Greenman the PC were not prepared to do this and that the application had in fact now been approved, subject to conditions, by Wilts Council.
  • Whether the PC would continue to address the matter of the grass verge fronting 62-68 High Street. Cllr E Pope advised that the PC had previously taken the decision not to pursue this matter any further.

Vacancies for Parish Councillors: Cllr Pope informed the meeting that Cllr G Woodville had resigned and that there are now 4 vacancies on the Council.  The Clerk has produced a leaflet that will be distributed, with the December Parish News, to every household in Sutton Benger and Draycot Cerne to raise awareness of the Parish Council and the vacancies.

Finance: The Cllrs were asked to prepare potential projects to be considered for next year’s budget.

Planning Applications:

15/09744/FUL 10 Manor Farm Drive, SN15 4RW Single & Two Storey rear extensions No Objection.
15/10044/FUL Lower Barn Kington Langley North to B4122, SN15 4SG Infill between Converted Barn and Garage, along with Minor Alteration No Objection.
15/10590/FUL 42 High Street, SN15 4RF Erection of Dwelling and Garage Block Object. Clerk to draft a response

Neighbourhood Development Plan: Cllr K Smedley gave an update and advised that the next Consultative Meeting was on Monday 23rd November 2015 in the Sutton Benger Village Hall.  It was agreed to provide seed funding from the Parish Council budget for 2015-16.

Highways & Wiltshire Council Matters: It was noted that the Parish Steward scheme would be resumed in April 2016 by Wilts Council.  It was agreed to support an application for a Speed Indicator Device to be shared with Christian Malford, East Tytherton and one other Parish Council.

Website: Cllr E Pope thanked Cllr K Pound, along with Cllr K Smedley and L Bragg, for the improvements to the Parish Council website.  It was agreed that Cllr Pound would liaise with the Village Hall Management Committee to provide a link to their website.

The next Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 7.45pm in the Sutton Benger Village Hall.