Parish Council

Clerk’s Update: December 2017


Parish Councillor Vacancies – we have 3 Vacancies on the Parish Council.  To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+, on the Electoral Register for the Parish and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.

Road Closure – B4122 from J17, M4 Roundabout to Junction with B4069 Draycot Cerne – will be closed from 18 January – 26 January 2018 (weeknights only) between the hours of 20.00 and 06.00 for Wilts Council to undertake works for A350/M4 improvements.  Access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works.

School/High Street Crossing – Cllr Ben Carter is liaising with the School Governors and the Action Group to discuss what alternative safety measures can be introduced, including a School Crossing Patrol and advisory 20mph flashing signs on the High Street and keep clear & waiting restriction road markings on Chestnut Road.  A 25% contribution to the cost of these options would need to be met by the Parish Council.

Gossip Area Maintenance – many thanks to Peter Neale for all his hard work this year in maintaining the Council’s 4 Gossip Areas and cutting the ‘extra’ unowned grass verges and for the improvement work he recently carried out in Cowley Way.

WW1 Commemorative Tree on Rec – many thanks to Norman Hodnett, our resident Tree Warden, for all his help and advice on the tree we have planted at the Rec – it will be dedicated in a ceremony next year to commemorate WW1.  Also, many thanks to Cllr Keith Pound and his lovely wife for helping to plant the tree on a cold Saturday!

Rural Broadband Performance Survey – The Parish Council would like to better understand the broadband performance that we receive in the local area and have launched a survey to gather the data – please visit the website to complete the survey –

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 10 January 2018 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.


Wishing you all Good Health and Happiness in the coming year, from the Councillors and Clerk.


Clerk’s Report: November 2017

Update from Sutton Benger Parish Council – November 2017

Parish Councillor Vacancies – we have 3 Vacancies on the Parish Council.  To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+, on the Electoral Register for the Parish and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.


17/09635/FUL – Oakleigh Acres, Draycot Cerne SN15 5LH – Two Bay Modular Office/Welfare Building & Demolition of Existing Office Building – Support.

17/09786/LBC – Avon Viaduct, Sth of Christian Malford, SN15 4LW – Installation of OLE masts for the electrification of the GWML – No Comment.

17/09908/TCA – 20 High Street, SN15 4RF – Fell 5 Elder (T1, T2, T3, T7 & T18), 1 Leylandii (T8), 1 Plum Tree (T9), 1 Apple Tree (T10), 1 Laburnam (T12), & Remove Secondary Stems from Plum Tree (T13); and 30% Reduction to Apple Tree (T11) – Support.

17/09800/FUL – Land South of Bell House Hotel, SN15 4RH – Proposed re-building of existing outbuilding to create new dwelling with landscaping – No Comment.

17/10158/LBC – Land South of Bell House Hotel, SN15 4RH – Proposed re-building of existing outbuilding to create new dwelling with landscaping – No Comment.

17/03417/OUT – Land South-East of Junction 17 of M4 Motorway, Kington Langley – further revised plans – an update on the current situation was given by Cllr Phil Jones.


Expenditure was approved for improvements to planting, maintenance and tree works at the Gossip Areas (£500) and releasing CIL funds to the Village Hall Management Committee for scoping plans for proposed improvements to the Village Hall.

The Cllrs suggested the following projects for inclusion in the Draft Budget for 2018-19:

  • Trim-trail around the Rec
  • Cycle rack at the village hall
  • Netball posts and hoops at the Rec

Gossip Area at Neville Terrace

The residents of Neville Terrace are to be consulted on proposals to try and improve the gravelled gossip area to the front of properties 6-10.


The Parish Steward will next be in the village on 4/5 December 2017 – please report any issues to the Parish Clerk.

Road Closure

B4122 from J17, M4 to Draycot Cerne 20-Nov to 8- Dec 2017 will be closed between 20.00 and 06.00 for Wilts Council to undertake works for A350/M4 improvements.

Household Recycling Centre Refurbishment Programme

The Centre at Stanton St Quintin will the CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT from 4 December to 18 December 2017.

School/High Street Crossing

Following the publication of the Taking Action on School Journey report for Sutton Benger Primary School, Cllr Ben Carter is to liaise with the School Governors to discuss what alternative safety measures can be introduced.

Rights of Way

Two stiles are in need of repair and Cllr Leigh Varnham is looking into the cost of replacing some of the stiles with kissing gates to improve access to some of the paths.

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Two members of the Group presented a comprehensive presentation of their Analysis of housing numbers and the Housing Policy, which is now with the Wiltshire Council Case Officer for amendment and review.  Cllr Sarah Kelly was appointed as the Liaison for the Parish Council.

Rural Broadband Performance Survey

The Parish Council would like to better understand the broadband performance that we receive in the local area and have launched a survey to gather the data – please visit the website to complete the survey –

Remembrance Sunday

Cllr Phil Jones represented the Parish Council and laid a Wreath at the Service held on 12 November 2017.  Many thanks to Alison Muir for arranging delivery of the wreath again this year.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 10 January 2018 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.

Patient Transport Survey: 16 October – 10 November 2017

Clinical Commissioning Groups across the South West are seeking views from patients on how they can provide fair access to NHS-funded non-emergency transport.

The survey is open from Monday 16 October – Friday 10 November 2017.

The aim of the survey is to help inform the development of a consistent approach to eligibility for NHS-funded patient transport. Patient transport is a non-emergency service offered to people who cannot get to their hospital appointments because their health condition impacts on their ability to use routine transport (cars/trains/buses/taxis/wheelchair taxis).

National eligibility criteria were set in 2007, however these have been subject to variation in local interpretation, agreed exclusions and the way that eligibility is applied. The aim of the Clinical Commissioning Groups is to ensure that NHS-funded non-emergency patient transport is provided in a fair way for all those who need help getting to hospital appointments.

Complete the survey here.

Clerk’s Report: October 2017


Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk contact details – Tel: 07757 351584


New Parish Councillor – the Council were pleased to co-opt Sarah Kelly onto the Council.

Parish Councillor Vacancies – we still have 3 Vacancies on the Parish Council.  To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+, on the Electoral Register for the Parish and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.


17/008454/FUL – 14 Queens Close – Single storey flat roof extension forming family room & study – No Objections.

17/08536/VAR – Stone House 37 Chestnut Road SN15 4RP – Variation of Condition 8 of N/02/02930/FUL (Dwelling house and garage) to allow for alterations to the front wall – No Objections.

17/08914/FUL – 19 Cowley Way SN15 4SD – Two storey side extension, conversion of part of existing garage & pitched roof to existing sunroom – No Objections.

Finance – the Clerk asked Cllrs to consider any village projects for inclusion in the Draft Budget for 2018-19 to be presented at the next meeting.

Highways – The Parish Steward will next be in the village on 6/7 November 2017 – please report any issues to the Parish Clerk.

Road Closure – B4122 from J17, M4 to Draycot Cerne 20-Nov to 8- Dec 2017 will be closed between 20.00 and 06.00 for Wilts Council to undertake works for A350/M4 improvements.

Pavement/Footpath Improvements List 2017-18 – the 2 pavements nominated for inclusion on Wiltshire Councils List were on Sutton Lane and the High Street at the entrance to French Gardens.

Household Recycling Centre Refurbishment Programme – The Centre at Stanton St Quintin will the CLOSED FOR REFURBISHMENT from 4 December to 18 December 2017.

Wiltshire Waste Management Strategy Consultation – Wilts Council needs to develop a new waste management strategy in order to shape how they collect and manage household waste and recycling in Wiltshire.   They are undertaking a public consultation in order to ensure that their strategy is representative of Wiltshire residents’ and stakeholders opinions on the future delivery of household waste management services.  The consultation questions have been developed as a result of workshops with council members which took place July 2017.

We would like to encourage as many residents, members and local organisations as possible to complete the consultation. The consultation runs from 4 September 2017 and will be available to complete until 14 November 2017. Residents can complete the consultation survey on the council’s website –

Following the consultation, the draft version of the future waste management strategy will be circulated to all respondents, including Area Boards, in January 2018 in order to ensure that it is reflective of consultees’ comments. It will then be reported to Environment Select Committee, Cabinet, and full Council to be adopted.

Next Parish Council Meeting – The next Parish Council meeting will be on Wednesday 8 November 2017 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.45pm.

Clerks Report: May 2017

Update From Sutton Benger Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 10 May 2017

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council deals the election of the Chair and various housekeeping duties, including approval of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

Election Results

Following an uncontested election, 6 Parish Councillors were elected – Phil Jones, Norman Davis, Keith Pound, Malcolm Bines, Leigh Varnham and Nicola Hayward.

Councillor Vacancies

There are now 5 Vacancies on the Parish Council.  To be an effective Council and to properly represent the whole Community we really need to fill these vacancies – if you are aged 18+ and would be interested in joining the team please contact the Clerk.


Decision were made on 4 applications:

17/03144/FUL – The Old Dairy, Draycot Park Farm, SN15 5LH – The extension and linking of two adjacent office buildings, the extension of two warehouses/workshops and the creation of a new warehouse/workshop – Support

17/03280/FUL – Daisy Cottage, 26 High Street, SN15 4RF – Proposed detached single garage (Resubmission of 17/00850/FUL) – Object

17/03320/FUL – Land South of Bell House Hotel, 47 High Street, SN15 4RH – Proposed conversion & extension of existing outbuilding into new dwelling with associated landscaping – Support subject to conditions

17/03980/LBC – Land South of Bell House Hotel, 47 High Street, SN15 4RH – Proposed conversion & extension of existing outbuilding into new dwelling with associated landscaping – No Objections

17/03417/OUT – St Modwen Storage and Distribution Centre at J17 – The Council agreed to object to this application at the Extraordinary Meeting held on 26 April 2017 and the Clerk’s draft letter was approved for submission.  Cllr H Greenman advised that he had called the application in to Committee.

B4069 – Re-surfacing

The planned resurfacing of the entire length of the B4069, High Street is due to take place on 25 June 2017 and will require the road to be closed and/or contra-flowed for up to 2 weeks – full details will be posted on the website ( and noticeboards when available.

B4069 – 18t Weight Restriction

We have been advised that this Order will come into force on the 5 July – to coincide with the resurfacing work (we hope!).

Annual Parish Meeting 26 April 2017

Not to be confused with the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council! – it was an opportunity for Community Groups to give an update of their year and included presentations from the Chair of the Parish Council, Chair of Governors for the Primary School, Manager and Deputy Manager of Benger Bears Pre-school, the Chair of the Village Hall Committee, the NDP Group, the PCC and the SBAGA. There were 23 villagers in attendance and at the end of the meeting they enjoyed wine and cheese and the chance to have an informal chat.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The date of the next Meeting of the Parish Council is Wednesday 14 June 2017 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.45 pm.

SB Parish Clerk is Certified

CiLCA cert


We are pleased to announce that our Parish Clerk, Linda Bragg, has successfully completed the Certificate in Local Government Administration course.
Please join the councillors in congratulating Linda for all her hard work to complete the course and for the help & advice she provides to the PC team and members of the public.

Parish Elections – 4th May 2017

Get Involved With Your Community -  Become a Parish Councillor

Parish Elections 4th May 2017

The Parish Council is a vital part of our Community and to be effective it needs 11 local volunteers to act as Parish Councillors – and we are now seeking Nominations* for the upcoming Parish Elections.

If you would like to stand as a Parish Councillor please contact Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk for a Nomination Pack.

Tel: 07757 351584 or Email:

(* Closing date for Nominations is 4th April 2017)

Clerks Report: February 2017

Update From Sutton Benger Parish Council Meeting on 8 February 2017

Planning – Consideration was given to 3 tree applications:

17/00501/TCA – 16 High Street, SN15 4RD – Fell 1 Sycamore & 25% Reduction to Pagoda Tree – No Objections
17/00512/TCA – Wellesley Arms, High Street, SN15 4RD – Fell 1 Sycamore and 1 Elder – No Objections
17/00716/TCA – 4 Manor Farm Drive SN15 4RW – 2 Metre Crown Reduction to 1 Silver Birch and 1 Cherry Tree – No Objections

Great British Spring Clean – a village clean-up event will be held on Sat 4 and Sun 5 March from 10am – 12noon – all VOLUNTEERS WELCOME – equipment will be provided.  Further details available from the Parish Clerk, the Parish Noticeboard at The Bell and on the Website –

Safety Concern of School Children – the Clerk was asked to look into the over-parking of cars and lack of road markings at the Chestnut Road/Queens Close junction.  There is concern for the safety of school children during school drop-off and pick-up due to the lack of visibility caused by too many parked cars.


The Parish Council have been advised by the Highways Department that arrangements are being made to carry out the resurfacing works this year (2017-18) – subject to traffic management implications.  We will keep you posted….

We have also been advised that the 18t Weight Limit will now come into force in March 2017 but have no exact date yet….

In the meantime, please continue to report issues to Wiltshire Council by any/all of the following methods:

  • The MyWiltshire app on your smartphone (available to download at both the App Store (for iPhones and iPads) and from Google Play™ (for Android phones)).
  • Tel: 0300 456 0105
  • Email: (change to email previously listed)
  • Website:

Church Piece Charity – Nominated Trustee – the Council supported the nomination for Kay Taylor to continue as the Council’s nominated trustee on the Church Piece Charity and expressed their thanks for her continuing work on behalf of the Community.

Next Parish Council Meeting – The date of the next Parish Council Meeting is Wednesday 8th March 2017 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.45 pm.

Councillor Vacancies – there is currently 1 vacancy for Parish Councillor.  Please contact Linda Bragg, Parish Clerk on 07757 351584 / email: for further details and an Application Form if you would like to join our team.