Author: Sbengerpc

Temporary Closure of: B4069 (Part), Langley Burrell Without – Monday 27 June 2022 (night)

Temporary Closure of: B4069 (Part), Langley Burrell Without – Monday 27 June 2022 (between 19:00 and 04:00 for 1 night); from its junction with C375 to its junction with Jacksoms Lane.

To enable: Global Crossing UK Telecommunication to carry out cabling works between existing chambers and associated works.

Alternative route southbound: via B4069 (unaffected length) – B4122 – A350 – B4158.

Alternative route northbound: via B4069 (unaffected length) – A420 – B4158 – A350 – B4211.

For further information please contact Instalcom Ltd on behalf of Global Crossing UK Telecommunications on 02087314600.

Possible disruption to waste collection services due to planned industrial action from 7 March

We (Wiltshire Council) wanted to update you on possible disruption to our waste services from 7 March, as a result of planned industrial action by some workers by Hills Municipal Collections.
At this stage, GMB Union has confirmed that industrial action will take place from 7 March for two weeks. Although the previous planned industrial action planned for 28 February was suspended, Hills have now received confirmation from the GMB union that the latest pay offer has been rejected and that the industrial action will now take place from 7 March, and we are planning for that eventuality with the contractor. The number of union members who are likely to strike has been reduced following UNISON members accepting the pay deal.
The industrial action is out of our control and in the meantime, we are working with Hills Municipal Collections to mitigate disruption as quickly as possible.
We are advising residents to put their bins out on their collection day by 7am and should they not be collected for any reason then we will arrange to collect them the following day where possible.
This is a fluid situation, but our main aim is to ensure that if for any reason our schedule slips, that we get back on track as soon as possible.
Despite this possible disruption caused by this, we are very pleased to say that our new waste round collections, which began on 28 February, have gone incredibly smoothly so far with very few issues reported. This gives us confidence that should any timings slip then we will catch up quickly.
If there are any significant disruptions to services we are asking residents to visit the council’s waste pages for updates Waste and recycling service changes – FAQs – Wiltshire Council or to keep an eye on our Twitter feed –
If you’re made aware of anyone not sure when their collection day is, please point them in the direction of the Waste collection calendar – Wiltshire Council.
Many thanks for your support, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Wiltshire Council clarifies local position on Network Rail’s closure of A429 near Hullavington

Due to the ongoing closure of the A429 near Hullavington for works on the railway bridge by Network Rail and the issues around the diversion, Wiltshire Council has clarified its position and the way forward for areas affected by large volumes of traffic caused by the closure – please see Wiltshire Council’s New Release for more information.

Neville Terrace Gossip Area gets a makeover!

Neville Terrace - works by Lewis Engineering Feb-2022 Lewis Civil Engineering, subcontractors to Wessex Water, wanted to leave a “positive footprint” on the area to thank the community for their patience and co operation during the recent sewer pipe installation.

After discussions with the Parish Council it was agreed that they would supply labour, plant, and aggregates to carry out some improvement works to the Neville Terrace Gossip Area and I hope you’ll agree that it looks great!

We will be arranging for our new grounds maintenance contractors for finish off the project by removing some of the old shrubs and planting new native trees, hopefully including fruit trees, for the whole community to enjoy.

CPRE’s Star Count 2022

CPRE’s Star Count 2022 – taking place between 26 February and 6 March. We’ve created a handy video to show you how to take part. And if you have young children or know someone who does – why not order a copy of Gem and I, a magical children’s book on the importance of dark skies. Watch the Video


The Sutton Benger Arts Festival (15-17 July 2022) schedule is in the process of being finalised with many professional live bands, performances, workshops, art and photography exhibitions and stalls aplenty. If you live in the vicinity we would appreciate your help with the following roles, to support the smooth running of this The Sutton Benger Arts Festival schedule is in the process of being finalised with many professional live bands, performances, workshops, art and photography exhibitions and stalls aplenty. If you live in the vicinity we would appreciate your help with the following roles, to support the smooth running of this exciting festival:


  • Events Co-ordinator to project managed the following roles:
    • Volunteer Co-ordinator
    • Art Exhibition Co-ordinator x 2
    • Hospitality Co-ordinator
    • Craft Stall Co-ordinator
    • Health & Safety Co-ordinator
    • Security Co-ordinator
    • On the day helpers (various roles)

Contact Claire on 07876 610670 or Phil on 07415 861502, or email

For more information about the Festival –

Tickets will be available to purchase online soon.

Changes to Non-Recyclable Waste Collection Days

Wiltshire Council’s Waste Client Team and Hills will be implementing new collection rounds for non-recyclable residual waste from most households, from 28 February 2022:

Posting of household-specific information letters to advise residents of the changes to their collection dates 25 January 2022 to 4 February
Information letters received by residents 31 January to 11 February
Bin hangers fixed to bins to advise residents of last collection before day changes take effect 14 to 25 February 2022
New residual waste collection rounds start 28 February 2022

PCC wants your views on plans to increase policing precept by £10

The consultation is open until Wednesday 2 February and you can feedback via the online survey or by emailing
Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, is urging residents to have their say on proposals to increase the policing precept by £10 per year for the average household (band D).
This follows a recent police funding announcement from the Home Office which was based upon the assumption that all PCCs would seek to use the maximum flexibility afforded them by the Government to increase local precepts. A £10 per year increase is a 4.3% increase and equates to an 83p rise, per month, per household, in a Band D property. The proposal includes plans to: Improve the way Wiltshire Police tackles Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) such as training for frontline staff to improve the service victims receive, bolstered digital investigation capability with the introduction of 5 new digital media investigators and dedicated officers and staff to review case files with the aim of improving investigation standards. Increase the number of roads policing officers and collision investigators to improve road safety, drive up enforcement and ensure serious collisions are investigated promptly and to a high standard. Increase the resources available to the child abuse and child internet exploitation teams to ensure that investigations are progressed as quickly as possible and children safeguarded from harm. An extra 62 police officers recruited via the national uplift programme Extra officers Uplift funding and your precept contributions have meant that by March this year, we will have 1,096 police officers and we are on track for Wiltshire Police to have 1,158 police officers by March 2023. Residents consistently ask for more officers – and this will be the highest number of police officers from our lowest figure of 934. While their initial recruitment is funded by Government, their ongoing funding and investment is met by us – met by your contributions. More than 250 new officers have joined the Force since the start of the Uplift programme in September 2019 and a further 200 are set to start in the next 18 months – this includes Uplift officers as well as ordinary recruitment to replace leavers. No alternative Mr Wilkinson said: “This year has been another incredibly tough one with the economic impact from the pandemic still being felt across our communities and I am conscious that any increase will be felt keenly. “The decision to ask for your support for a £10 per year increase has been a difficult one – and one that I would not make if there was an alternative. “Previous precept increases have seen investments in a number of areas including officer numbers, rural crime resources and digital investigation teams. “Given the landscape of Wiltshire rural crime remains a priority for me, in addition to road safety and serious and organised crime, only by investing in our police service and allocating resources effectively can we address the root causes of crime and enforce the law.   “Wiltshire is the fourth lowest-funded force in the country and ensuring we get our fair share from the centre will always be top of my agenda. However, we also need to ensure the funding we do have is used efficiently and focused on the front-line and delivery.” Significant savings Savings of more than £4million will need to be made if the precept is not increased next year, warned Mr Wilkinson and he would have no alternative but to reduce staff undertaking essential services.  “Even with an increase of £10, we still need to find nearly £1.4m of savings, but this is much more doable than the prospect of the savings required if there is no increase at all. “I would have no alternative but to reduce essential services, which would include from within our Community Policing Teams. This would unquestionably lead to a less visible policing presence in your communities and a reduction in service levels. “Remember, together we are Making Wiltshire Safer, so whatever your view or opinion, fill out the survey. If it matters to you, it matters to me and I am determined we will have a police force that Wiltshire needs – and deserves.” The consultation is open until Wednesday 2 February and you can feedback via the online survey or by emailing
Contact Information Zara-Ann Prendergast Campaign and Communications Manager Wiltshire and Swindon OPCC 07586496070